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Training programme for architects

Détails de l'actualité 3A Composites GmbH

Recognised training event on the topic of "ALUCOBOND®: new fastening systems"

23.09.2022 | 08:45 - 16:00 | 3A Composites GmbH Technicum , 78224 Singen

3A Composites offers a comprehensive training programme for architects on the subject of rear-ventilated facades, which is also recognised by the Architektenkammer BW (Chamber of Architects).

Components of the course are:

Introduction to the Technicum
What is aluminium composite material?
ALUCOBOND® inspiration & projects
Installation systems ALUCOBOND® easy fiX
Practical part: Panel production ALUCOBOND® easy fiX and installation on the substructure
The 3A Composites in-house Technicum offers an ideal setting for architects to get to know the theory and practice behind ventilated façade systems with ALUCOBOND® as well as helpful tools to facilitate both design and implementation planning right from the start.

The event is recognised by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects as a further training with of 2.5 teaching hours for all members, for architects/urban planners undertaking practical training in the subject area "Architecture and Interior Design".

Further information is available at: Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg

The event is free of charge


Interested in attending? Register now with Klaus Wetzstein.


3A Composites GmbH
Klaus Wetzstein
Tel. 07731/941 3423

Détails de l'actualité 3A Composites GmbH
Bauhaus, Germany // © Stefan Müller


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